Diamond Mountain Watershed Restoration Project - 3/06/18
Diamond Mountain Watershed Restoration and Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) Project
NOTICE is given that a Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared setting forth the findings that the following proposed action, Diamond Mountain Watershed Restoration and Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) project, will have a less than significant adverse effect on the environment. The project area is generally located 7 miles south of Susanville, CA; 2 miles west from Janesville, CA, and abuts the Plumas National Forest on the south. It includes Township (T) 29 North (N), Range (R) 11 East (E), Sections 31 and 32; T28N, R11E, Sections 1 through 6, 10 and 11; T28N, R12E, Sections 4 through 6 and 8 through 16; T29N, R12E section 34 of the Mount Diablo Meridian (Figure 1). The project planning area encompasses 8,195 acres of NFS lands located within the Diamond Management Area (MA 33), as identified in the LNF Land and Resource Management Plan (LRMP).
This document is proposed to be adopted and has been filed with the Honey Lake Valley Resource Conservation District (RCD). It is now available for inspection and review. The review period for this Mitigated Negative Declaration is from March 6, 2018 through April 4, 2018. Written comments concerning this document will be accepted through the last day of the review period.
For further information on this, contact: Ian Sims, Honey Lake Valley RCD, 530-257-7271 x110, 170 Russell Ave, Suite C, CA 96130.
Published LCT
March 6, 2018|